Resources Are Infinite, You Just Need Will
Education is the best thing with which you can change your world. Even if you are born poor, you can learn, make yourself capable and then elevate yourself from the current situation.
Also, when you learn — you expand your horizons and understand things from multiple perspectives.
You connect, understand, develop empathy and impact others along the way. With education, you just aren’t improving your life but you are making a dent in your neighbourhood and culture.
But it’s hard. When you are poor — the library people see you as suspicious. You would be lucky to have a free library nearby. Even when you are middle class, you can afford to go to college. But the teachers won’t be great. The lab would be in shortage of instruments.
One of the most common reasons for not studying or learning was the lack of good and reachable resources.
But the Internet happened. And all the excuses went outside the window. Suddenly you can have a phone and internet for cheap prices. You have access to the world’s knowledge at your fingertips. Even if you don’t have a computer, you can rent the internet in cafes for cheap and boom — you are connected to the world’s education.
And you can get almost all the information for free. There are dedicated websites to teach you that way. Or there are resources available for you to take full advantage of.
Now, if you have access to the internet — you have access to infinite resources. Now that problem has vanished.
For learning, all that is required is your will to do it. No one is stopping you. Read, learn, ask questions — connect and achieve anything you want.
It’s comparable to thousands of libraries, millions of teachers and pass to connect them all. It’s priceless how much you get by connecting on the Internet.
The human brain is amazing. There are many options on the Internet. To the point that you may get overwhelmed. And end up doing nothing — just watching entertaining videos.
Being a consumer is fine but being just that isn’t. Take the charge, lead, learn and make an impact. Because you can.
Give the gift of the internet to anyone you can. Don’t see it as a hindrance. It is an extension to the gift humans have. You are already becoming humanoid by wearing spectacles, implants to make your heart function better. Or using a wheelchair or anything you can imagine. The inventions have taken our lives to another height. Extend the same by using the internet to improve the conditions for yourself. Educate, learn yourself, understand and use the internet to become better. That’s the opportunity, use it and be generous to share it forward.
P.S. This is an excerpt from my book, ‘This Is Internet’. Click Here To Buy The Book