How do I stop eating cement from dry walls?
From the ripe old age of 3 — I was fascinated to eat cement from walls, sand which were moist.
The reason was simple — I was a kid so I didn’t know you weren’t supposed to eat the cement. And it tasted awesome. When the cement or sand becomes moist — there comes an aroma which is mesmerizing.
I started scrubbing the wall beside my bed. And I would feel accomplished because each day I get to eat a little. And mommy wouldn’t know anything.
she found out. And my that time, I was 5 or so. She hit me and got all angry. I got a scolding of lifetime.
It made me sad. Because I couldn’t eat the sweet cement anymore. Or else — I would get scolding again. And I don’t like it,
But the persistent me continued…
Each day I would eat very little from different walls. And my deceit continued.
Then one day, my mother left me for like 5 hours straight. And I decided to eat a lot of cement. And it was semi-fresh paint. I didn’t know that. So I started eating. And I threw up immediately.
Wow…that was an experience. My love for cement turned into hatred in quick instant.
And I left my habit that day.
Adult’s Choice
So if you are 5 years old or so, then a shock like that would be required to stop you from eating cement.
And if you are not 5 years old — rather more than 15 or 18 years old then you don’t need a shock,
Because you know it is bad for you.
It is cement and not food.
So all you need is to make a choice of not eating and sticking to it.
Because you are an adult with choice and you have the power to make one for yourself. So don’t be in delusion that you can’t stop eating cement — you may lack self control.
Try to develop that or make yourself accountable with someone. And slowly this habit would fade out.